Gateway Kids Church

kindy – year 3

Building young disciples who trust God and love people

Gateway Kids Church runs most Sundays during the school term for children who are in Kindy to Year 3.

When does Kids Church happen? 
All children remain in the service until just prior to the Scripture reading (we want the parents back for that!) and runs for the remainder of the church service, most weeks during the school term

What goes on at Kids Church? 
Children will participate in a lesson based on part of the bible, work on learning or memorising bible verses, and participate in various crafts and activities to reinforce a biblical topic.

Where do I go for Kids Church? 
The Kids Church room is located at the back of the building near the undercover area. It is accessed by passing through the main hall’s double doors, and out through the roller door. You can expect our Kids Church volunteers to lead the way for parents and children to sign in when it is time. (Children must be signed out by a parent or guardian at the end of the service.)