About Gateway
Who is Gateway Community Church?
Gateway Community Church is a church family following Jesus and shaped by His Word! We have no doubt that God sent Christ that we might have life and life to the full (John 10:10) so our aim as a church family is to live into this life as best as possible.
To put it in a phrase, we want to Trust God, Love People and Build Disciples. That’s our Mission Banner – all our decisions come through that filter! We trust in God’s sovereign grace, knowing that salvation is found in His gift of life in His Son. We love people by seeking authentic relationships, prioritizing life together and encouraging each other for a closer walk with Jesus. We aim to build disciples, growing together in faith, equipping each other to follow Jesus, and helping others come to know Him.
Life is better with Jesus together

Life at Gateway is more than just Sundays! While we come together each week for worship (trust God), fellowship (love people) and discipleship (build disciples), we also connect throughout the week in LifeGroups—smaller communities where we quite simply aim to do life together. Each group looks different. One LifeGroup might rehash last Sunday’s sermon while another goes through a Bible book. Another LifeGroup has families gathering fortnightly to teach their kids catechism while another group meets fortnightly during the day. In all of them, in some way, you’ll find Scripture, Prayer, and encouragement.
Growing together across generations
We also treasure our kids and youth, with weekly and weekend programs to help young people grow in their faith. We have ministries for men, women, and young adults. We’ll admit that we have got work to do with getting better at reaching our wider communities, but God’s still patiently working on that one with us! In any case, no matter where you’re at in life or faith, there’s a place for you here!