Gaters Kids Club
year 3 – year 6
Kids growing in their trust of God and building friendships in a fun and inclusive environment.

When does Gaters happen?
Gaters meets once a month on a Friday during the school term, giving us two exciting gatherings each term to learn, grow, and have fun together! Gaters starts at 5:00 PM and goes until 6:30 PM.
What goes on at Gaters?
At Gaters we play fun games together, sometimes we sing, we hear a story from the Bible, and a small talk is given before we break off into small groups. In our groups we will seek to understand the Bible and how it applies to our lives with questions and discussion. Children have an opportunity to share about their own lives, and to pray for each other too.
Where does Gaters happen?
Gaters meets at the main hall at Gateway Community Church, and sign-in and sign-out is located in the foyer as you enter the building. Our address is 63 Spencer Street, Cockburn Central, WA.
Get involved with Gaters
Gaters is open to all year 3 –6 kids. To find out when the next Gaters is on and to register your child to attend, please fill out the from below to contact our Youth Pastor, Cameron Bargerbos.