Little Kids (crèche)

toddlers – pre-kindy

Providing a safe and structured environment for toddlers to learn about God's love for them

Little Kids runs most Sundays during the school term for toddlers to Pre-Kindy aged kids.

When does Little Kids happen?  All children remain in the service until just prior to the Scripture reading (we want the parents back for that!) and runs for the remainder of the church service, most weeks during the school term.

What goes on at Little Kids? Little Kids is a volunteer-run space to provide toddlers and pre kindy children with an environment to hear about the God who loves them, engage in play and sing songs with the opportunity for parents of not-too-sure children to accompany their child and be involved in helping their children to engage with the activities.

Where do I go for Little Kids? You can sign up for Little Kids in the church foyer when you arrive on a Sunday morning. The room is located through the door on the left side of the foyer as you enter the Gateway building.