
Craig Verdouw, Psalms, Sermon

Psalm 73 | An Eternal Perspective

 February 22, 2021

By Craig Verdouw

Why does God let ‘the Wicked‘ Prosper?

“Lord? The Wicked? Why are they prospering? I’m losing faith; Lord? Why do they have life so easy? Did they do better than I? Do you care for me? Nothing going wrong for them; why is my life so fraught with difficulty.” (Enter revelation amid the presence of God). “How did I miss it? All are doomed who will not bow to you. Lord, I see it now; the role and place of the temporary compared with the eternal. You are near me, and with me; and over me! You hold me, and guide me! No matter what comes from your hand, good or bad, there is no place worthier place to be counted as your own.”