
Craig Verdouw, Romans, Romans 1 – 13, Sermon

Romans 9:30–10:4 | Whence your Righteousness?

 August 24, 2020

By Craig Verdouw

Well, church family - after a month in the garden of election, it's time to move on. That's what our text does anyway - and we'll run with it. Up this week we're looking at an utterly detrimental worldview to have - and that's the worldview of works. Of earning. Of making a name for ourselves before the throne of God above. We can do quite well at making this name for ourselves... and join the ranks of 1st century Jews... which the Bible doesn't recommend because it's never worked out for anybody. But what it does recommend is submitting to God's righteousness given freely in the King of Kings - the Lord Jesus Christ. He is absolutely completely free and comes with heaven forever; all you need is nothing. Do you have nothing? Bring nothing this Sunday, to make Christ everything.