
Craig Verdouw, One offs, One-Offs 2020, Sermon

Good Friday Online Service

 April 9, 2020

By Craig Verdouw

Well we come again to the annual reminder of the grandest moment that has ever shaken the world. It’s the crucifixion weekend, where we give thanks with sober reflection that our Lord God in Heaven put Christ Jesus forward to pay for our sins. This gift was for you and I - for the weak and the lowly, the broken and the wandering; for those who get up only to find again how far we fall. 

God sent our Saviour for one chief colossal reason: His love for us decided we should be welcomed to glory in Him forever. To do this, sin had to be paid - and God did this for his children in Jesus. This weekend we read the Easter narrative again, and we’ll be reminded of the cost Jesus paid to make God’s children righteous and free.

Please do take a look at this animation, knowing with full assurance that what happened to Jesus, happened for you.

Tithes & Offerings

Tithes can be given online as usual. (See details at the below)
The second offerings this weekend are;
Friday: Reformed Church Youth Committee. - This denominational committee seeks to assist all children’s and youth ministers to make, nurture and grow disciples of children and youth.  The committee is tasked with oversight of the national CRCA youth conventions.
Please add a note to each Tithe or Offering so it can be correctly allocated.

Name: Gateway Community Church
BSB: 086 147 
Account #: 686 606 882